Wednesday, September 24, 2014

But first, let me take a Selfie

While you're in college or when you move away from home social media essentially becomes a way of life. Sometimes there aren't enough hours in the day to have hour long phone conversations but in 10 minute chunks scattered throughout the day you can see what all your friends are up to. Social media essentially saved my friendships from high school. Between working and going to class I did not find anyway to fill my friends in on my life and next thing I knew I was starting to lose contact. However with Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter I started to regain the connect I originally had. But with those three you lose a personal connection because what you post becomes visible to everyone. It actually all changed when I downloaded Snapchat. At first I was very hesitant about the app because it just seemed weird, why wouldn't someone just take a picture and text it? When I downloaded it the hype all started to make sense. Since the photos don't save you don't have to worry about random pictures taking space on your phone and it was much quicker than texting. I could take a picture in class and caption it "bored" and send it to a friend who then would reply with something very similar. They are all actually really pointless "snaps" back and forth but you feel the one on one connection again with the friends you once lost contact with. So I thank Snapchat, a very weird concept that is actually genius.
And their ghost is adorable.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way! I am able to stay connected with all of my friends and all of the people I have met throughout my life. Social Media is amazing in that sense... I was able to video chat with my friend that is in Haiti!! I couldn't believe it!
